Friday, December 16, 2005

Lyric I Found In My Pocket

I’m loco.
I’m the only bro I know
who owns 12 Inches of Snow, yo.
I gotta blow up soon or I’m gonna blow,
quit Showbiz for good and go work at the Togo's.
You want mayo on that hero?
For forty more, you can get the combo.

I have no idea where or when I scribbled it on a bev nap, but it's always fun to find stupid crap in your jacket.

Oh, also please Arianna Huffington, please... stop saying "Blogosphere."

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Rejected Names for My Blog

Blog Day Afternoon, Bloggerheads, 20000 Blogs Under the Sea, Hair of the Blog That Bit You, All Blogs Go to Heaven, Blogasaurus Rex, Beware the Blog, Blogger Please!, Building A Blog Cabin, The Vagina Monoblogs, And Now, New Blog for Girls!...

Bonnets are back in vogue with the in-crowd.